Studio for the inspiration
Arrúe is inspired by a morning, by a glance, by the street.
In fact, Arrúe is inspired by what he is passionate about: cinema, music, people.
But he goes beyond that, he gets involved in people, in their way of looking, in their souls.
His experiences, his childhood, when his way of playing was to paint and draw, all this comes to his mind and through his senses he transfers it with his hands to a canvas.

Arrúe’s work is based on a good drawing. Drawing is the matrix, the essence of everything.
From the drawing he builds his work with each brushstroke, with each glaze.
Arrúe builds the image based on different glazes, different layers, colors… with them he generates lights and shadows, shades, pains, joys.
And finally Arrúe ends up making up his characters, with oil, yes, but that is his way of dressing their skin, of giving them texture, of giving them life.
Final touches
Arrúe finishes his paintings even if they are “finished”… he knows when his work is complete because the reality he has captured is the inspiration that was flying in his head.
Arrúe is inspired by life and when he feels that what has come out of his hands is what his mind reflected, he finishes his art.
The passion that Arrúe feels for painting, for art, for his characters, he takes them to the canvas in every brushstroke, in every nuance, in every stroke.